Killebrew Team


Welcome to our comprehensive resource page designed to empower and equip you with the essential tools needed for success as a real estate agent.

Spokeo | (217) 546 1234

Square gradient
Gradient that fades to transparency


  1. Go to PROJECTS
  2. Click on your Name for your agent folder
  3. Click on Social Media Template
  4. Scroll to pick which template
  5. Go to your MLS Photos of the Property
  6. Drag your MLS photos to your desktop that you want to use
  7. Click on UPLOADS on the left side in canva
  8. Drag your MLS photos into your uploads folder
  9. Once uploaded, you can drag them into your projects
  10. Click SHARE > DOWNLOAD > PNG > and then click on what page you want to save as an image.

View all the houses around the area!


The Killebrew Team

3151 Pleasant Run, Springfield IL 62711 | (217) 546 1234 |